Dave Dayton (BSEE, MBA) is an electrical engineer currently specializing in microgrid technologies. He founded CESI in 2000, following several years as a senior consultant to the MA Renewable Energy Trust. Prior to his consulting practice, he was the founder or co-founder of many profit and nonprofit companies, including Energia Global International (acquired by ENEL), Hospital Efficiency Corporation (acquired by Eversource), GreenerU, Pacific Clean Energy Partners, Technical Development Corporation (now TDC in Boston), Technical Communications Corporation, and a series of nonprofit organizations employing ex-prison inmates and welfare recipients. He served on the board of Dimock Community Health Center and was Chairman of the National Association of Energy Service Companies, the Governor’s Commission on Mental Health, and many other organizations. Dave has published and spoken widely on energy-saving performance contracts and communication technologies. He is the author of five books under the pen name David Sayre and is the father of five children.
David Sayre Dayton
Chairman and Treasurer